Why Choose Us

Our Process is Athlete-owned.

Built by athletes for athletes to own and create fulfilling experience. 

We Offer Total Impact.  

We are a lifestyle transformation platform rooted in individual awareness. 

We Ask Questions + create experiences.

We don’t believe in giving answers. We believe in exploring possibilities.

We Believe in Being Part of Something Bigger.

What we Do

Praxis offers a new way to view the questions and stressors of competition. Our programs and services are rooted in one basic question, what does the athlete need to experience their potential?

We provide multi-dimensional personal development training in team, individual and small group settings. All clients begin with the Know Yourself Foundation Course with the option to customize content for sport and team implementation.  


program overview


Know Yourself

Foundation Course

PHASE: Know Yourself

FOCUS: Fundamentals of the Praxis Athlete Paradigm

TOOLS: Personal Philosophy Building & Self-Assessment

Grow Yourself

Growth Course

PHASE: Grow Yourself

FOCUS: Developing Growth Mindset & Identifying Specific Growth Impact Areas

TOOLS: Personal Impact Game Plan

Go Beyond

Service Course

PHASE: Go Beyond Yourself

FOCUS: Team Service Mission

TOOLS: Strategic Partnerships & Team LegacyPlan


Show Yourself

Experience Course

PHASE: Show Yourself

FOCUS: Leadership In Action, Plan Execution, and Spontaneous Innovation 

Integrated Training Model

Focusing on the 6 elements of the PRAXIS Athlete - Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, Developmental, and Habitual, and the 6 Pillars of Development - Focus, Foundation, Fuel, Freedom, Feedback, and Faith.

Delivers Results that Matter

Improves Individual Awareness, Increases Player Engagement and  Growth Potential, Creates Language to empower team culture, Aligns decision-making, values, and purpose, Identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, Measures impact on performance, Provides access to a network of mentors and specialized resources

What is praxis?

PRAXIS is a process and a community that transforms big ideas into high impact, sustainable action.  Inspired by training with Navy Seals, Olympic Champions, and Baptiste Yogis, 3x Olympian and University of Virginia Field Hockey Coach Rachel Dawson developed the Praxis Athlete Methodology in response to what was missing in team sports - an holistic focus on the person at the source of competitive team performance. 

what Does Praxis offer?

During our programs, athletes develop skills to optimize their response to uncertainty in order to create sustainable pathways to transformative growth on and beyond the playing field. Though self-assessment, personal philosophy building and intention-based personal development plans, Praxis provides a pathway for athletes and teams to create peak and complete competitive experiences.  Our programs are open to all ages, and all levels of competition because at Praxis we believe that every athlete is the entrepreneur, creator and innovator of their unique sport experience.

Take Action

Praxis develops competitors who own the moment, creators who master the experience, performers who deliver value, and leaders who act from deep awareness and with intentional responsibility. Praxis serves Athletes and Teams who want to know, grow, show, and go beyond.

Ready to take the next step?   

Find Out How →

Tools We Use


Physical action challenges

Visualization, Meditation, and Breath work

Praxis Know-You Cube 

Personal Inquiry and Dialogue

Personal Impact Game Plans