The know Yourself course
““Only when we know ourselves, and become aware of our unique talents and self-imposed limits, can we choose to go beyond ourselves, accomplish our goals, create our experience, and serve a cause bigger than ourselves.””
This Workshop Challenges Athletes to Dig Deeper
The Know Yourself Team Workshop is our core workshop. It is a 2-3 hour in depth, in person experience for teams led by a Praxis Athlete Facilitator. The workshop explores the relationship to sport and develops individual awareness within a safe and conversational environment. Each participant leaves the workshop with a personal development workbook. We focus on individual awareness and habit training for each member within the team or organization from athletes and coaches to parents and other stakeholders.
*This workshop can be run in coordination with camps, clinics, and school events.
Our mission is that athletes leave the program with:
A Deeper understanding of themselves - their talents, values and self-imposed limits
A sense of curiosity about how to create their desired sport experience
Action plan and tools to develop habits that create sustainable impact
Courage to show themselves in the process of growth
Inspiration and resources to go beyond themselves and serve their purpose